Fundamentals of light microscopy and image processing

Date and venue: 2023, 18-29 of September at ITQB-NOVA. Will transmit lectures over Zoom:

Summary Description: The course “Fundamentals of light microscopy and image processing” will focus on the application of fluorescence microscopy in molecular and cellular microbiology and infection biology. This course will pass on basic concepts and practical training in conventional epifluorescence and confocal microscopy, super-resolution and electron microscopy. Trainees will learn principles of sample preparation and advanced applications in fluorescence microscopy (FRET, FLIM and FRAP). Through a combination of theoretical presentations and interactive coding sessions, trainees will learn methods of image analysis and machine learning. These concepts and tools will be applied in small group projects in interaction with the trainers.

Tuesday 19th:

  • 10:30 – 11:30. Part I. Introduction to the basic principles of light microscopy. Davide Accardi – Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal
  • 12:00 – 13:00. Part II. Introduction to the basic principles of light microscopy. Davide Accardi – Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal

Wednesday 20th

  • 9h00 – 10h00. Introduction to the principles of sample preparation in fluorescence microscopy. Hannah Heil – IGC, Portugal.
  • 10h30 – 12h00. Basic principles of widefield and widefield Super Resolution microscopy. Zach Hensel – ITQB-NOVA, Portugal.
    14h00 – 15h00.  Introduction to expansion microscopy.  Mario Del Rosario – IGC, Portugal.

Friday 22nd

  • 9h00 – 10h00. Part I – Basic principles of confocal microscopy.  José Rino – IMM, Portugal.
  • 10h30 – 12h00. Part II – The F techniques: FRAP, FRET and FLIM.  José Rino – IMM, Portugal.
  • 12h00 – 13h00. Basics of Electron Microscopy. Ana Sousa – IGC, Portugal.

For more information see: