Diseño estadístico de experimentos con animales

Lugar: Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, C. Darwin, 3, Fuencarral-El Pardo, 28049 Madrid – Sala B.6

Fecha: 11 de octubre de 2024

Este evento está dirigido a los asesores estadísticos que colaboran con comités de ética en experimentación animal y tiene como objetivo explorar y mejorar las prácticas de diseño estadístico en este ámbito. Durante la reunión, discutiremos cómo optimizar los diseños experimentales a través de cursos de formación y recursos comunes. También abordaremos el uso de programas específicos para solicitantes y la creación de un foro de dudas para el diseño experimental. Además, presentaremos la plataforma 3Rs, enfocada en la reducción del uso de animales en la investigación, y exploraremos la posibilidad de organizar un curso de verano para profundizar en estos temas. Únete a nosotros para compartir experiencias, aprender y contribuir a prácticas más éticas y efectivas en la experimentación animal.


  • Intercambio de experiencias y mejores prácticas
  • ¿Cómo se puede mejorar el diseño estadístico de los experimentos? ¿Cursos existentes? ¿Formación online asíncrona?
  • ¿Foro de dudas de diseño?
  • Recursos comunes
  • Programas que pueden usar los solicitantes
  • Curso de verano
  • Participación plataforma 3Rs (Reducción) diseño experimental


10:00 – 10:15Presentación de la jornada
10:15 – 11:30Presentaciones de los asistentes
11:30 – 12:00Café
12:00 – 14:00Discusión


PhD position in Single Particle Analysis and CLEM Correlative Imaging.

Description: We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or equivalent with software development skills, preferrably applied to Structural Biology, Biomedical Imaging, or Imaging in general.

The candidate will work on the development of image processing algorithms for Single Particle Analysis (especially, continuous heterogeneity analysis) and CLEM Correlative imaging (especially, image alignment and segmentation). The contract is for 4 years and will be developed along with Dr. Eva Nogales (from Univ. Calif. Berkeley) in the context of the JAE-CHAIR grant “ALLCRYO. Technical developments for the improvement of the cryoEM workflow, and their application for the structural characterisation of conformationally and compositionally heterogeneous samples in vitro and in vivo.

Location: Madrid

Required Skills:

  • PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or equivalent
  • Programming experience with Python
  • Experience in Linux
  • Experience in Structural Biology, Biomedical Imaging, General Imaging or Bioinformatics

Interested candidates should send their CV’s and letter of interest to i2pc@cnb.csic.es

PhD position in fluorescence microscopy image processing.

The Biocomputing Unit of the National Biotechnology Centre is looking for excellent master students in Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or any other field related to data analysis. The PhD would be in fluorescence microscopy image processing.

This project involves several fast-growing technologies: electron cryo-microscopy and deep learning. Our laboratory is located at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología in Madrid, a reference institute in Spain in cryo-EM, with highly advanced fluorescence microscopy facilities. Moreover, our group is a world reference in this field. In this work we intend to follow two main lines of work:

  • Spatio-temporal analysis, which will allow a more accurate detection and quantification of dynamic phenomena at the cellular level, thus facilitating the exploration of complex biological processes in real time
  • Correlative microscopy: To implement and refine correlative microscopy techniques to efficiently integrate data obtained through different fluorescence microscopy modalities, as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

Latest publications

  1. Cayuela, P. Conesa, A. Oña, J.A. Gómez-Pedrero, C.O.S. Sorzano. Real-Time Correction of Chromatic Aberration in Optical Fluorescence Microscopy. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 11: 045001 (2023)
  2. Cayuela-López, J.A. Gómez-Pedrero, A.M. Oña Blanco, C.O.S. Sorzano. Cell-TypeAnalyzer: A flexible Fiji/ImageJ plugin to classify cells according to user-defined criteria. Biological Imaging, 2: e5 (2022)
  3. Cayuela, E. García-Cuesta, J.A. Gomez-Pedrero, S.R. Gardeta, J.M. Rodriguez-Frade, M. Mellado, C.O.S. Sorzano. TrackAnalyzer: A Toolbox for a holistic analysis of Single-Particle Tracks. Biological Imaging, 3: e18 (2023)

Interested candidates should send their CV’s and letter of interest to: blanca@cnb.csic.es or coss@cnb.csic.es