
Biocomputing Unit:
Image Processing and CryoEM services available through Instruct ERIC at:

Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IPM):
The facility provides equipment, training, assistance, and technological innovations for determining and analyzing three-dimensional structures of proteins and macromolecular assemblies.

Intruct ERIC:
All the information about services offered and how to submit a proposal for a research visit can be found at the online catalogue, with access available for researchers worldwide, as well as funded access for researchers in member countries and organisations.
Instruct also provides training programmes and workshops rolled out to enhance understanding and expertise in other regions. Instruct also delivers events and symposia, providing networking and discussion opportunities across regions

The services are provided by 35 national Nodes (comprising over renowned 173 individual imaging facilities), that are distributed across Europe. These Nodes include the Portuguese Platform of BioImaging and the Italian Advanced Light Microscopy Node, which participate as the two Euro-BioImaging partners in this consortium, which participate as the two Euro-BioImaging partners in this consortium.
Service Catalogue available at: Euro-Bioimaging (

Latin American BioImaging (LABI):
By providing a comprehensive platform, LABI aims to connect researchers, scientists, and institutions with the core facilities and imaging service units that meet their specific needs. Through this centralized hub, we facilitate access to state-of-the-art equipment, cutting-edge technologies, and expert services available within the region.
We encourage all core facilities and imaging service units in Latin America to register with LABI.

Centro de Biología Estructural del Mercosur (CEBEM):
Services are provided by CEBEM nodes distributed in South America. These nodes include the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano) that is part of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) as well as the Laboratory of Molecular and Structural Microbiology (LMSM) of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IPM), which participate as CEBEM partners in this consortium.
Service catalog available at:

Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S):
i3S provides advanced optical microscopy services on the Euro-Bioimaging target, as the facility is a member of the PPBI-Portuguese Platform of Bioimaging EuBI Node: